Kami Memberi Solusi dan Melayani Sepenuh Hati dengan Teknologi

Application Integrated Management of Childhood Illness Application (IMCI) Referred to Acute Diarrhea

Application Integrated Management of Childhood Illness Application (IMCI) Referred to Acute Diarrhea

We give thanks to the presence of God Almighty for giving us His grace and grace so that we successfully completed the Book with the title “Application Integrated Management of Childhood Illness Application (IMCI) Referred to Acute Diarrhea”. This book contains the concepts of an approach or how to manage diarrhea in children . IMCI is offers a simple and effective method for preventing and treating a major cause of serious illness, including Diarrhoea in children under five years. The clinical guidelines in IMCI promote evidence-based assessment, classification and treatment using a syndromic approach that supports the rational, effective and affordable use of Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS) and Zinc. The guidelines also cover methods for checking immunization and the nutritional status of children; teaching parents how to provide care at home; assessing child feeding and counseling to solve feeding problems; and advising parents about when to return to health facilities.

We realize that this book is still far from perfect, therefore we always hope for criticism and suggestions from all constructive parties for the perfection of this book. Finally, we would like to thank all parties who have participated in the preparation of this book from beginning to end. May God Almighty always be merciful to all our efforts. Amen.


First Printing,           August  2024

1 Vol., 112  p., 15 X 13  cm

RP. 75.000



  • Pengurusan ISBN: Rp.600.000,-
  • Jasa Pengurusan HAKI : Rp. 600.000,-