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Family Education Foot Care in Preventing Diabetic Ulcers on the Feet of People with Diabetes Mellitus

Family Education Foot Care in Preventing Diabetic Ulcers  on the Feet of People with Diabetes Mellitus

Praise be to God, thank God, we pray for the presence of Allah SWT for His mercy and grace so that “Family education for foot care in preventing diabetic ulcers  on the feet of people with diabetes mellitus” can be resolved . This book is a form of disseminating information to the public.

The Family education module  on  foot care in preventing diabetic ulcers on the feet of people with diabetes mellitus can be used by the general public, especially people with diabetes mellitus, as a guideline in managing the prevention  of diabetic ulcers on the feet.

The author realizes that there are still many shortcomings in the preparation of this module, due to the limitations of the author. For this reason, all criticism and constructive suggestions are needed to be accepted with open arms.



TATA MAHYUVI, S.Kep., Ns., M.Tr.Kep


First Print,  July 2024

1 Jilid.,  53  Pages., 14,8 x 21 cm



Price Rp. 50.000.,-



  • Pengurusan ISBN: Rp.600.000,-
  • Jasa Pengurusan HAKI : Rp. 600.000,-